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In this section you will find interesting news and useful tips to organize and enjoy your vacation to the fullest!

Nuove regole dal 1° aprile

Covid: the new rules as of April 1, 2022. What's changing in the world of travel?

Covid: the new rules from April 1, 2022. What's changing in the world of travel? On the way to loosening regulations and gradual return to normalcy: free access to hotels, no more need for Green Pass or buffer ...

Easier trips from March 1, 2022: here are the new regulations.

Easier trips from March 1, 2022: Here are the new rules. Quarantine will no longer be required for all arrivals in Italy from abroad. Tourist corridors and country lists are also abolished: it will be possible to return to travel ...
Nuove norme per l’ingresso in Italia

New rules for entry into Italy from Feb. 1, 2022

New rules for entry into Italy from Feb. 1, 2022. For travelers from European Union countries, a Green Pass will be sufficient with no requirement for a tampon. Feb. 1, 2022 - New rules for entry into Italy. The Minister of ...

New Covid-free tourism corridors: 6 more destinations open!

New Covid-free travel corridors: 6 more destinations open! Cuba, Phuket, Singapore, Oman, Turkey, and French Polynesia are the destinations added to the list of countries where safe and peaceful travel is possible. Jan. 31, 2022 - The minister ...
super green pass

Super Green Pass: what it is and what changes from January 10, 2022

Super Green Pass: what is it and what changes from January 10, 2022. On December 31, 2021, the Covid Decree came into effect, with new restrictions from January 10, 2022. On January 5, the CDM established additional new measures: let's find out ...
corridoi turistici

Covid-free tourist corridors: what are they? How do they work?

Covid-free tourist corridors: what are they? How do they work? Thanks to compliance with Covid regulations and protocols, you can travel safely and peacefully even to hot and exotic destinations! December 09, 2021 - In the last period you have surely heard about the so-called "tourist corridors ...
Green Pass base e rafforzato

Basic and enhanced Green Pass: what can I do and how to travel?

Basic and enhanced Green Pass: what can (and cannot) I do? How to travel? From December 06, 2021, the super Green Pass comes into effect: let's find out what changes in the way we travel in Italy. ATTENTION: READ THE LATEST UPDATE ON THE APPLICATIONS OF THE ...

Safety on cruise ships

Safety on Cruise Ships. Find out why cruising is one of the safest trips you can take, even now in the pandemic period! Nov. 18, 2021 - Cruise ships today are one of the safest places and ..
green pass per viaggiare in italia

Green pass: the new rules for traveling in Italy from September 1, 2021

Green Pass: the new rules for traveling in Italy from September 1, 2021.The use of Covid Green Certification (also called Green Pass) becomes mandatory for long-distance transportation (trains, ships, planes, buses), as established by Decree Law n. ...