Our Blog
In this section you will find interesting news and useful tips to organize and enjoy your vacation to the fullest!

3 motivi per fare un tour in Turchia!
3 motivi per fare un tour in Turchia! Di motivi per fare un tour in Turchia ce ne sarebbero a decine, ma noi oggi te ne presentiamo tre a cui non si può dire di no! Lo spettacolo delle mongolfiere ...

3 attività da fare in spiaggia per non annoiarti!
3 attività da fare in spiaggia per non annoiarti! Va bene il relax al mare ma dopo un po' la monotonia si fa sentire. Ecco 3 attività da fare in spiaggia per non annoiarti! La vita da spiaggia: relax e ...

5 motivi per cui fare un tour organizzato
5 motivi per cui fare un tour organizzato! No stress, nuovi amici e tanto divertimento: scopri i motivi per cui devi per forza fare un tour organizzato! Lisbona, una delle tappe del Tour in Portogallo. Viaggiare è una delle esperienze ...

North India and Rajasthan Tour
Tour India del Nord e Rajasthan Scopri le gemme storiche e culturali di New Delhi, Rajasthan e del resto dell'India del Nord La spettacolare vista dalla carrozza panoramica Il tour "India del Nord e Rajasthan" di Frigerio Viaggi è un'avventura ...

The Bernina Red Train Adventure
The Bernina Red Train Adventure for all lovers of mountains and breathtaking landscapes. The amazing view from the Bernina Red Train panoramic carriage. Many of you ask me for personal travel advice, and I often tell ...

4 good reasons for getting married abroad
4 good reasons to get married abroad Your fairy tale ceremony! 4 good reasons to get married abroad. Celebrate your wedding with a fairytale ceremony on a romantic and exotic beach, feet in the sand, setting sun and gentle murmur of the ...

Traveling without a passport? Find out where you can!
Traveling without a passport? Find out where you can! A list of world destinations and exotic destinations within reach of...a valid expatriate ID card! Feb. 15, 2023 - Traveling without a passport. You have probably heard in recent weeks about the so-called "chaos ...

The treasures of Mexico
Treasures of Mexico A trip to Mexico gives you the opportunity to discover a sea ranging from turquoise to deep blue with fine sandy beaches and at the same time immerse yourself in a culture and history thousands of years old! Tulum, Yucatan ...

3 good reasons to go to the mountains in winter
3 good reasons to go to the mountains in winter Leave the boredom of the city to sink your feet into fresh snow...a dream, right? That can be realized! 3 good reasons to go to the mountains. Leave the boredom of the city and go ...

10 things you (maybe) didn't know about Christmas
10 things you (maybe) didn't know about Christmas. Discover 10 interesting facts about the most awaited holiday of the year for young and adults alike. 10 things you didn't know about Christmas. Maybe you thought you knew everything about Christmas or maybe more simply you didn't ...

3 good reasons to go to the beach off-season
3 good reasons to go to the beach out of season Leave the cold of the city and head for the warmth of an exotic destination...a dream, right? That can be realized! 3 good reasons to go to the beach out of season. Leave the ...

Origin and traditions of Christmas markets
Origins and traditions of Christmas Markets A tradition that is renewed every year, not only for the items to be purchased and the flavors that can be tasted, but also for the magical atmosphere that is created in the streets ...